How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Work work work

Its been a very busy period the past weeks, besides clocking late hours at work, I have also been reporting to work on several Saturdays. I personally find that the amount of time/effort devoted by the project team is rather obscene. Working beyond 9pm daily seems like the norm, Saturdays are declared official workdays, even Good Friday was taken as an official workday!! This is so unacceptable! I refused to work on Good Friday, after attending service at church.

I was helping out as usher at my organization’s musical last night. I must say that it was a rather credible performance, much better than I had expected. Most of my friends who heard about the musical staged by my company were taken aback. Can’t fault them, even the staff had that same reaction when the idea was first mooted. What business does my organization have in staging plays or musicals? Well, all for charity. This is definitely a new option in raising funds for charity.

Heard some positive, encouraging reviews from the VVIPs and audience. My colleague and I felt that the success of this inaugural musical may spell more of such events in future. Not really a welcomed thought though…

I am currently reading a book about changing career. There are some step-by-step analyses and exercises that help readers uncover some of their sentiments regarding a change of career. I’m hoping to discover a bit more of myself and inclination through these exercises. I pray that God will grant me wisdom and understanding as I prayerfully seek Him regarding this.

Have been feeling very unsettled the past weeks, and a colleague very aptly forwarded a writeup to me. It came at such an appropriate time and made much sense to me.

Happiness is a Skill
Like all skills, it requires practice. Like all skills, some people are naturally better at than others, but like all skills, almost everyone can develop it. If you depend upon something outside of yourself to achieve happiness, you will never tap into that inner pool where infinite joy exists.

The first step in achieving happiness is making the conscious decision to be happy. You must choose happiness, as like all other choices, it’s an option.

The second step is to be aware that true happiness comes from within you. The perfect relationship, financial security, achieving your ideal weight will all bring temporary pleasure, but they will not bring lasting happiness.

Real joy can never be permanently taken from you. Of course, you will experience sadness, grief and confusion at times, because that’s part of the human experience, but those emotions are temporary. Without your own, personal experience of sadness, grief and confusion, you would not develop the compassion and understanding necessary to help others.

As you practise accessing that inner state of happiness, it becomes easier to put the negative states in perspective. Decide to be happy, no matter what. Practise accessing happiness. Develop the skill of living in joy.

(by Diane L. Ross)


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