How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blessed New Year

Yes, its been ages since my last post. Honestly, haven't really been in the mood to blog. Moreover, there has been little happenings around me. Gotta prepare and pack for a short trip to visit relatives in KL this cny again. Come to think of it, I have spent almost all my cnys there! Have no idea what its like to spend the holidays here, e.g. are the coffee shops or shopping malls open, are there lots of pp on the streets, how do my neighbours celebrate etc.. sigh, its another year of bracing myself to face the ONE question my relatives will pose, when am I gonna get married?? One of my colleague shared that she used to fend off such question by saying "soon, soon, end of the year. Just don't know which year..."

It'll be the first year my sis-in-law joins us. And I certainly pray that she'll accustom to the noise and bustle when countless relatives gather together. I pray that the entire trip will be a very happy one, with minimal family squabbles or disagreements. Oh, and I am actually contemplating lugging my office notebook there, in an attempt to get some work done... but I wonder if this is just wishful thinking on my part...

I have not packed for the trip yet, am simply procrastinating to the last minute. Tomorrow night lah. For now, I will just "nuah" a while more before turning in. Thank God it's Friday tmr! I do look forward to coming back after cny cos I have taken an extra day off to spend with the Lord. P Barnabas reminded us during a sermon about the need to set aside time to seek the Lord in decision making. And I really need that!


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