How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Friday, November 24, 2006


Ahhh, I finally spoke to my boss today about all the rumours flying round in the grapevine. Yes, he will be leaving us to join a another dept. And its prob gonna happen sooner rather than later!! The realisation of this finally hit home today, and I am very affected by it. My section was formed about 3 years back under his leadership, and its gonna be a hard job trying to sustain this section, and to justify its existence here. Most of the pioneers have left, so its left with one colleague who is on maternity leave. Me and another colleague joined only some months back. Tough tough.

I think we have grown to be quite dependent on this boss, taking instructions from him directly and he has been watching out for our section, to protect us from missiles fired by other people. I mean, I never knew how protected we were under his leadership until the past weeks when he rejected some new tasks thrown our way. And he is very clear and logical in this thought process. When he vets our presentation slides, he is able to pre-empt what the higher mgmt wants and steers us in the correct direction. Oh, did I mention, he is a very very good presenter, capturing audience's attention, good variation in tone etc. Very confident and fluent in delivery, good at "selling" his ideas. I think in my jobscope, marketing and packaging one's ideas to the bosses is very important. I find Boss very approachable and I like his style of managing his staff. He makes effort to communicate with staff and he is not the "calculative" kind of boss, eg. he doesn't enforce that everyone must be in office by 8.30am, as long as work gets done. Oh, one impt thing is that he does not leave us to fend for ourselves if bosses query us on our work. He defends us lah and is on our side. In short, we will sorely miss him!

Duh, I have been ranting on and on about it... Guess I am still grappling with this news and I need to release my sentiments somehow. I tend to see the similarity between this departure and my previous episode 3 years back. I was under him then. And it was this same boss who told me that my then-section and I had to be moved to another dept... 3 years later, he invited me back to this dept to do something different when I was seeking a change in jobscope. I took up the offer and now he's leaving!! Somehow, the sense of "abandonment" seemed familiar... But to be fair to him, I think the move would be good for him...

Sigh, got to process all these emotions within me. The camp tomorrow would be a good break for me to seek the Lord about this, and to commit the future to Him.


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