I'm Back
Thought I had better write something soon. J commented that my blog seems to be heading down the same path as W’s, although W did mention that he's gonna blog about the recent victory of his beloved Liverpool soon… "P
Well, when I'm very busy and tired, blogging is not really something on my to-do list. Anyway, life has been flying by since my last entry. Been very bogged down with work and responsibilities in Ch. And I have probably announced (either verbally or otherwise) to the whole world my tiredness of it all. I NEED A BREAK! Ok, it seems as if it's not gonna be anytime soon unless I go on some retreat on my own. Ideally, the break should provide some rest and respite from the work, duties etc., that I may be able to spend lots of quality time with the Lord. I'll like to also take the time to consider the options ahead, and maybe switch line?? This thought has been on my mind for some time now, but I do find it tough to initiate change cos I'll really like to work it through very carefully. In this case, if I do switch, I'll like to do so graciously, and leave behind pleasant memories for all. Not an easy task, but I'll try, with God's help.
We had a family frisbee event with the school on Sat. Turnout was rather small, but I was encouraged by the number of helpers who turned up. I do hope that everyone has had a good time, sitting around, watching the game, playing with babies, participating in one way or another. I believe that the kids had great fun. Its amazing how they have no reservation sweating it out under the hot, scorching sun. I, for one, am very reluctant to be out in the sun. So I wasn't too forthcoming in volunteering to play, preferring to stay under the tentage. Eh, so sorry about that, W... Thank God for the fine weather. Shouldn't take it for granted, cos the very next day, it poured cats and dogs over the same area. But we managed to have our regular frisbee on Sun too, that is, after the rain... Just that it has not been too regular for me. Think its been several weeks since I last played the game. Enjoyed it still =) Sad to say, this is currently my only form of exercise, so I must keep at it!
On a lighter note, I'm really looking forward to doing some retail therapy. With the start of the GSS, when else could be a better time?? Come to think of it, there are actually many things that I'll like to buy, but have not done so. Better start jotting them down, and make plans to go get them soon.
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