How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Opportunities come knocking

Its funny how opportunities seem to come together all at once. For the last 4 years in my organisation, new opportunities were scarce and I dutifully took on whatever was placed my way. Now that I have the intention to move on and do something different, I am presented with 2 promising options for internal transfer. As if these are not enough, I received an email today from an ex-colleague inviting me to join her company in Australia! Definitely a rare chance to come by!! The effect of networking... My other ex-colleague had apparently mentioned my name to her before. Of course the offer sounds exciting, but there are so many factors to consider. Although this is a rare opportunity, I feel that I am only beginning to feel my way around in my current organisation and it'll be a pity to drop everything here. Other factors would of course be the adjustment, the loved ones left behind... I would think that the timing is not suitable. Nevertheless, am bringing this matter prayerfully before God for a clear decision.

Actually regarding the 2 options for internal transfer, I have already conveyed my decision on which one to take on. Like what Jache mentioned, its actually quite flattering to have 2 depts wanting you to join them. But then, to decide on which to join is actually very tough. Each has its own merits, so overall, there is no clear winner. And knowing me, I can be very indecisive and easily swayed. I took several days to consider and pray about this. Immediately after conveying my decision, I had to grapple with the "anguish" of having shut the door on the other option. Sigh, I would like to have the best of both worlds, and not offend anyone with my decision. Of course, this is not possible.

Over the past weeks of pondering, I thank God that He has been with me, assuring me constantly with many verses. "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain..." , "I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.", "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."

Exciting days ahead, with the changes and handing over of duties, but definitely something that I have been looking forward to.


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