How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year

I realised that my previous post was rather abrupt, coz I was like dozing off in front of the PC, and didn't sound too coherent. Oh well, I guess that's about it for the trip.

The new year has begun. I have been wanting to come up with some new year resolution. This will signify, at least to myself, a new start, new opportunities, fresh approach to live my life. Unfortunately, have not gotten to pen down my resolution, though I have formulated a few in mind. Hope to refine them further before inking them. For this, I will be taking half day off to reflect and pray through them. Oh man, am really looking forward to this stock taking exercise. Mentally and emotionally, I need a good closure to 05 and a good opening to 06.

The CGLs had a meeting last night and we covered several administrative matters. It was very business like, and I certainly hope that our other meetings, to go through "Experiencing the Spirit", will be less task-oriented, and more focused on God and encouraging one another. I pray that our congregation will really unite and seek after the Lord together, that we may draw strength from Him and from one another. Somehow, I felt my faith rising, as I daily commit Hope to God and trust that He is leading us step by step. PTL!


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