How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hope Retreat Part 1

Returned from hope camp yesterday and was promptly whisked off for dinner with family and bro's gf. So, its another big meal lah, in addition to the past 3 days of eating eating & eating at the camp. Must have gained lots of kilos over the past few days.

Oh, enjoyed myself at the camp. Guess my expectations weren't too high. It was a relaxing camp for me, and not having any duty on hand helps. Grateful for the time off from work, and being together with fellow BASIC. Although I wasn't able to follow everything that the speaker spoke on, thank God that I managed to catch bits and pieces of what transpired.

The sharing sessions in smaller groups helped us to identify application points to our lives and to our church life. Yes, God spoke into my heart regarding the prayer life, or lack, of our pp. Our attitude toward prayer meetings is totally in need of re-vamp! It is not a time of presenting a whole shopping list to God, but really, just waiting at Jesus' feet. I felt my excitement rise within me when we talked about the possibility of our congregation praying like the early church. But first, people need to come... We were just casually mentioning this to the speaker, and in her wisdom, she cautioned us against mandating people to attend. The desire to attend prayer meetings should come from within. Let us ask God to begin touching the lives of those who attend, and the encounters will speak for themselves and draw others. I am glad that the speaker held this viewpoint, instead of advocating dos and donts.

We had a sunday service at the resort before returning to Sgp. Pastor took the opportunity to pray for and bless each camper. That really touched my heart and I felt sad about him leaving.

Oh also, Mr Goh BP's wife attended the camp with us and she PRCed on the last day. PTL!

Ok, will continue part 2 later. Gotta run for now...


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