How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Saturday, November 27, 2004


Yesterday's caroling pract was rather fun, I must say. Though it was a cosy group, we managed to learn new parts and sing them... I do hope that subsequent practice sessions will find us more polished and with a greater sense of enthusiasm and purpose.

Was back at office today, to conduct a certain geometric test drive. To my surprise, the drive ended much earlier than I had expected, so I was quite glad. I would have some time before heading down to the esplanade for the musical Mamma Mia.

The musical was very lively and energetic, with familiar and catchy tunes. On the whole, my family enjoyed it pretty much. So that was good.

Am feeling better now since my last entry, so thanks to my friends who prayed :) I attended the NCC BS on Thur and it was a refreshing time for me... again. Yes, thank God for helping to re-align my perspective to who He is. Amazing God, amazing love.


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