How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Beautiful bride

Have been involved in a flurry of activities at work. Its been very busy... gotta bring some work back this weekend. And church wise, well, pretty much the same commitments. Also need to firm up the sharing content for HC next Sunday. Tough, tough... Am reminded of an exhortation that when we keep in step with the Spirit, we burn up (like the burning bush) and not burn out... yes Lord, You take charge here, and I will rest in You.

There are also a couple of weddings lined up to attend over the next few weeks. Watching the brides-to-be excitedly preparing themselves sets me pondering somewhat. What has the bride of Christ been doing to prepare herself? I quote from my QT material:

" she is, totally taken up with the love of her lover, responding in love, waiting for the day when she will be pampered and prepared, clothed in white, to become the focus of attention on the day when the relationship will be consummated. See this as a picture of what Jesus is doing in His church as in love He prepares her for that day... right now you are probably only too aware of the imperfections, disagreements...but she will be spotless and everything that God is doing in her by His Spirit is moving her towards that. Delight in it."

Its such a beautiful picture of a bride basking in the groom's love, and depending fully on the groom to transform her to be what she was intended to be. What power is the love of Christ, as described in Eph 5:22-33!


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