How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Connected to Vine

Quite many issues on my mind lately.

Not sure why, but God seems to lead many of my friends who have relationship issues to confide in me. I wonder why, since I am not too experienced in this field. And yes, I do feel so privileged and thankful. Yet I know the grave responsiblity that God has entrusted me, to be praying for these precious friends. Prayer, maybe that's what God intends me to do.

Have been also thinking about the spiritual condition of the congregation at Hope. Somehow, there seems to be a vacuum somewhere. Something's not connected, and I am not seeing much excitement and hunger for the Lord. Everyone, me included, seems to be moving along, very busy, and simply coping with demands that come our way. Where is the evidence of staying connected to the Vine?

God showed me that there isn't enough of the light of Jesus Christ beaming from the lives of Christians. Could it be that our lives don't create a hunger or thirst for Truth? Have we tasted of the goodness of the Lord? Have we known His love and mercy first hand? If the answers are yes, we could influence the lives of many, just by living ours day to day, filled with the Truth of the One and Only Living God. However, if our lives don't match our words, then it leaves a giant opening for any vain philosophy to become accepted.

So should I therefore immediately plunge into a different lifestyle and set of priority? May I suggest not, lest I come close to becoming like Martha. Jesus called us to be like Mary, who chose to spend time with Him, to wait upon Him, to look upon His goodness, to know Him.

With this timely reminder, I am inspired to take some time off work, and have a little rendezvous with my Lord. Oh yes, this is gonna be exciting! And may He grant me fresh revelations regarding the people close to my heart, whom I am praying for...


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