How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Encouragement at Work

Had the pleasure of speaking with a fellow believer at work today. I thank God for the wonderful time of deeper sharing and encouragement. It has been some time since I last have such an encounter at work. These moments of encouragement certainly make working life so much more bearable and exciting.

A few things stand out in our conversation. We both share a common issue close to our hearts. We both desire to be vessels available for God. Using her analogy, we are supposed to be like sheets of transparencies, but many of us have become rather opaque, thereby blocking God's light from shining out to others. Have we been too caught up in chasing after what the world values? It is a conscious decision, to daily pray God's purpose into what we do.

Well, I am upholding her in prayers, specifically to some timeline that she is trusting God for, and I know that she is doing likewise for me. What a comfort! Thank You Lord for sending the encouragement along my way today.


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