How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A Disheartening News

My attention was captured when I read in Today's paper that a businesswoman, Dr Diana Young, had been involved in a car accident in China. The familiarity of the face staring out from the pic caused an uneasy stir in me. I have seen her before... pretty sure she's from church. I prayed and prayed for her recovery.

When I heard the evening news that she has passed away, my heart sank. Why Lord? And then I got confirmation that she was indeed a church member, and an active member too. God, what is Your purpose for this tragedy? My heart goes out to the grieving family. When I try to understand it all, I really couldn't.

Then it suddenly dawned on me that Diana is now with the Lord! And then I felt an unexplainable sense of relief. She is in safe Hands, really. It matters greatly whether our perspective is upon the circumstances, or upon eternity.

"Dear Lord, would You please be so close to the family, and comfort them dearly through this very tough period. May they draw strength from You and from one another to face the coming days."


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