How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Personal Retreat

Haha, went for my mini personal retreat with God today at the Changi Airport. Was supposed to have gone yesterday, but it was superceded by an important deadline to meet at work, so gotta stay back... But just as well, as I wasn't quite in the 'correct' mood yesterday. Had some misunderstanding at home. Thank God that the air was cleared yesterday evening. So it was with a lighter heart that I spent my time with the Lord today :)

It was certainly a luxury to spend an entire afternoon lazing in a couch at some coffee place, enjoying a hot drink, listening to music, reading some good books, and jotting my thoughts in a diary. Sounds relaxing? It certainly was!

I guess I need to break away from the mindset that a retreat is worthwhile only if it accomplishes some pre-determined objectives. Isn't it good enough that I enjoy the personal time with God? Afterall, I don't think courting couples stipulate objectives for each and every meeting they have. I suspect that my mentality is based on the assumption that personal retreats are far and few, and therefore are very precious. Thus, Iwill like my retreats to have with the maximum efficiency i.e. to settle as many issues with God as possible. Hmmm, I can actually bring the issues before God at other times as well, can't I? Since I walk with the Lord moment by moment...

Oh well, I did not manage to 'settle' any issue with God today, but I have definitely been refreshed in His Presence. Thank You Jesus!


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