How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Friday, April 21, 2006

Initiating Changes

I have been returning home from work with different emotions the past few days. Guess it has to do with the impending transfer out of my present jobscope to a different dept.

It started with restless wait for the bosses to confirm the effective date. Once that was kinda decided, I started feeling the adrenaline and excitement. Then, it was busy listing down the things to handover. Then, it was lengthy discussions with bosses on the handing over details, operational matters, concerns etc. At some point, I started feeling bad about leaving the staff, especially my bosses, "in a lurch". I feel bad that I didn't start "passing on" my knowledge to other people early enough. Instead, I had taken everything upon myself. Then again, who could I hand over to if no one has been assigned to take over?? Now, its almost impossible to ensure a smooth transition... And its only now that my bosses are realising how extensive the follow up actions are, and much they need to take on. I can almost feel their sense of helplessness, and its because of my departure. Yes, I feel Bad about it...

I am supposed to report to new dept come 2 May, and there are so many things to do (to train, re-train staff, to complete existing tasks, document instructions, steps, file up all past email correspondences, and of course, to pack my stuff and arrange to move my barangs)!!

Really, need supernatural strength from God, even coping with my own emotional state of being. Have always been a sentimental person, so leaving familiar and nice people always makes me emotional somewhat. Have not given much thought about what to expect in the new place, but certainly hope that things will be fine. Gotta start building new relationships and gaining trusts of new colleagues. So much for initiating this change.

In the midst of all these activities, am praying for inspiration on what God wants me to leave behind for my current circle of friends/colleagues as a parting shot .


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