How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My bro's wedding

Hi hi, celebrate with me! I'm back after this long long break. Erm, actually just been busy with bro's wedding late last month. Then after that, I had no Internet access for a while as my bro brought the modem along with him to his new home.

Although I subscribed to this new Singnet broadband package in early Jul, I encountered problems after problems in setting up this connection. Firstly, it was incompatibility of modem, then re-connection of phone line, re-set of password, many failed attempts at connecting the modem (realised that I need to switch on the modem before the PC, so that PC can read the hardware connection. blah blah). Each troubleshooting just zapped me of so much energy, and I get so so frustrated dealing with them day by day. Yes, me no PC-savvy at all, and I just meddled with the various connection options etc.. Oh, and I reached a point of almost throwing the PC out of my balcony! Complained to God and amazingly, things fall into place after a few more attempts!

Have actually saved the following entry some 3 weeks ago, but I have been unable to upload it till now. So, here it is.

My bro's wedding has come and gone so quickly! It has been very busy the past weeks, especially the days leading up to the wedding, and on the wedding day itself. I have successfully got my kaypoh self involved quite a bit. Besides taking charge of the church & dinner reception/usher, I was also responsible to chauffeur friends and relatives from place to place. I helped out with the nitty gritty of the logistics and stuff, and I drove my bro's car containing the photo album, ang bao boxes, marriage cert, blah blah blah for the day.

And we had 8 M’sia relatives over to witness the wedding. And since they put up at our place, we all had lots of adjustments to make, sharing rooms and stuff. Also through the wedding, I got to meet some of my Sgp relatives whom I have not seen in ages. Overall, it was a good time of catching up and renewing ties.

The church wedding was a simple affair, but even then, the amount of preparation that went into it was tremendous. My brother chose a Mandarin song by Streams of Praise for the March-in. I thought that it was very appropriate and meaningful. I was very moved by the song during the church rehearsal. The sermon was very well-delivered, and I was very impressed that the pastor could deliver it in both English and Mandarin versions.

After the church wedding, mum and I rushed to do up our hair at the salon. The schedule was very tight and I had to be at the hotel for the dinner reception shortly. One highlight for me, I was actually lost on the road, en-route to the hotel!! I exited wrongly from CTE, and I found myself in an unfamiliar place. You could imagine how freaked out I was. Firstly, I was already late, and then, I was lost, and I was driving, and I had all the reception stuff (sitting arrangement, ang bao boxes) with me. Prayed, prayed, prayed desperately to God for help. Thank God for answering, after several wrong turns, I finally found the hotel! And I arrived safe and sound. God is in control. Amen!

I took a while to recover from the “ordeal”. The dinner went by smoothly. The couple gave a thank-you speech which touched my mom’s heart. =)

My dad and bro had agreed to end the dinner by 10.30pm as there was a World Cup match that night, and I believe many guests would like to catch it. But by the time we packed up and reached home, it was well into the second half of the game. Bro managed to catch some parts of the game as he stayed over at the hotel.

I felt that my bro's wedding had been simple, yet very meaningful. No doubt there weren’t lots of frills, but the amount of effort that the couple put in was by no means small. I really admire them for that.

On the lighter side, one good thing that came out of the involvement was that I am now more confident about parking =) It made a lot of difference k!

Ok for now. Will blog about Part 2 of the wedding (in M'sia) another time.


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