How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"Aftermath" of SUO?

Didn’t sleep a wink last night! Not sure why, but I was tossing and turning about the whole night. Never experienced this before. Is it the first sign of insomnia? I certainly hope not. It did not help that I have been feeling feverish and coming down with sore throat since Sunday night. Have attempted to self medicate, but don’t seem to be improving leh.

Anyway, still got to get ready for work shortly. I’ll see how I’ll do at work before deciding whether to see a doc.

Have been wanting to blog about episode 2 of the SUO, but think that Jache, Princess, and Gunblad have covered the event thoroughly, and I need not repeat the story eh.

I must be of “dou-fu” substance, coz me weak lah. Just 2 days out in the sun and rain over the weekend, and my body cannot “ta-han”. I notice that I usually fall sick if the following happens:-
1) If I eat a bit more tid-bits than usual, coz I don’t usually snack on them
2) If I am at foreign country with different climate for more than a few days
3) If I am out in the sun for long time, and do not drink lots of water
4) If I do not sleep properly or am stressed for pro-longed period

I guess the past few days were a combination of some of the above... sigh.


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