How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Friday, February 15, 2008

Update 1

It’s been “donkey years” since my last post. Much has happened during the span of these few months. Two important people have been added to my life.

First is my baby niece, born on 4 Nov 2007, to my brother and SIL. My parents and I literally went ga-ga over her, and for the record, we are still very much smitten by her each day. Her smile will send our hearts fluttering as we take turns to play with her. Having said that, my niece’s cries are also very powerful. We have had times when she was virtually inconsolable when we were having dinner outside. Oh well, she'll have very powerful lungs.

Tthey say that the first grandchild is most doted, and I tend to agree. My niece is enjoying much attention from both sets of grandparents. I am also happy to be able to help look after, carry and soothe her from time to time. Increases my confidence in handling babies. Heh, here are some pictures of her taken through the months.

As a newborn

After 1 month

Updated photo