How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Monday, April 23, 2007

New Darling

Finally, something happy to blog about :)

I have a new darling in church! Yes, its none other than our dear gal Alicia. I always feel that I am unable to engage young children or keep them interested cos I am not so much of a fun nor animated person. So it came as a very pleasant surprise that Alicia took a liking to me 2 weeks back! After service 2 Suns ago, we were all just staying back to chit chat at the pews, and Alicia just tugged at my hand (and my heart!) and wanted me to bring her to the fishes at the kindergarten area. So I brought her there, and everyone was surprised that little Alicia was so willing to leave mummy and go with Auntie hz... Hmmm, I didn't think much of it as I thought it's probably a one-off thing.

But just yesterday, we had Hope congregation gathering and toward the latter part of the gathering, Alicia wanted me to carry her, and to bring her to the fishes! But we couldn't go as the kindergarten has been locked. I got to carry her on my lap for quite long and she didn't fidget much, as we sat in a circle to dialogue about Hope's venture into Young Adult Min. And poor Addie was sooo jealous. She was trying to entice Alicia with all sorts of stuff (Elmo song, hp, cow etc.) Then after the meeting, Alicia again wanted me to carry her... That dear gal has clearly won a place in my heart! :D

At night, A sms Addie to say that I am now Alicia's favorite auntie! Wow, so flattering, but hor, think Alicia got it wrong lah, Addie is the auntie who gave her the biscuits, not me... sorry eh Addie! :-D Meanwhile, I'm gonna cherish the "attention" while it lasts! Hee!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Strength to Journey On

Today, I received a terrible news that one of my colleague has passed away suddenly last night, apparently due to heart-related cause. He was a young man, husband of one, and everything seemed to be going well for him. Though I am not close to him, we were members of one same committee. The news was shocking, yet somehow, part of me is somewhat numb. There have been too many sudden deaths around me this year...

Receiving this news in the midst of low morale in the office is not at all helpful. Am feeling very down… Lots of uncertainties in the air, and I cannot seem to snap out of this lousy feeling. As a result, I am unable to focus or concentrate on the things that I do. And then, such feeling of incompetence gets me further down. Sigh…

I felt the Lord reminding me again that life is SHORT, and so very unpredictable. We can plan all we want, but we never know what is God’s plan for us. We need to live life for the moment, to tell our loved ones how we love and cherish them, to spend time with them, to build on our relationships cos these are things that matter, really. This incident has also made it more imperative for me to talk about God and eternal life to colleagues around me.

Just as I am grappling with this news, my colleague and Uni friend confided in me that his marriage was annulled since the onset of the marriage, in 2005. I was totally shocked. How could it be? I attended their church wedding back in 2005 and had witnessed a loving couple say their vows. My friend said that the ex was not ready for marriage and she backed out no matter how much counseling they underwent. I can’t imagine the difficult time my friend went through. Oh man, this news just adds on to the heaviness in me… Lord, life is not so rosy afterall!

So I attended WIN with a heavy heart just now, and God met me there and then! So desperately needed to hear Him and find strength in Him to journey on. Guess He knew better, and He reached out to me. Am grateful for the strength to carry on.