How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Monday, February 28, 2005

Daily Nuggets of Amazements

Am immersing myself in the worship CD I bought yesterday. It's great to be worshipping God time and again and again. It's kinda different in H worship, since I usually focus more on the keyboard playing. Well, it's my prayer that God may hone my skills, that I can really focus on Him whilst playing, and be instrumental in leading pp in worship.

I went for the KC session with JH last Friday. Pretty much shared JH's sentiments regarding the session. I think that the gist i gathered is a simple, yet life transforming truth - "to keep on listening to the Word of God. Continuing in the truth is what made Jesus free, and continuing in that truth is what will make me free. Most Cs haven't even begun to comprehend the kind of freedom they've been given in Jesus..." The testimonies are certainly uplifting. Lord, help me to internalise Your Truths daily!

On my work frontier, I'm back at the test venue to conduct re-tests for the next 3+weeks. Took me a while to adjust today. Hit a slight problem in the morning, and was a bit thrown off by it, as we had not anticipated certain scenarios and had not catered for it. It's rather late to make changes by now. Committed the issue to God and He answered almost immediately by giving me an idea to work round the problem. I'm surprised by His peace that surpasses all understanding. So amazing!

Am also praying for God's leading as I take stock of my work thus far. The last thing I want is to be led by my own judgment and biasness. Godly wisdom is what I need.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

CNY visitation in KL

It's been another year of CNY visitation. As usual, my family drove up to KL to visit my paternal relatives during this festive season. We had intended to stay till Sunday, but due to a change in plans, I was back on Thur night.

My feelings about going are quite mixed actually. On the one hand, I look forward to spending time with them, especially my grandparents, keeping family ties and getting updates on how this or that person is doing. But on the other hand, this means that I'll be missing out on the visitations with friends back here during this period. Well, I guess that the priority here is still family.

It's rather different for my parents. My dad delights in the yearly family reunion, while my mum thoroughly enjoys the company. I must say, she's really good at interacting with people, building relational ties. As for me, I tend to be the silent watcher, preferring to just listen to her conversations.

My dad has 4 brothers and 7 sisters (dad is the eldest son). All of them are married with 1 - 5 kids, and some of my cousins have kids of their own. Can you imagine the crowd that hangs out at my grandparents' place come CNY?? Believe me, it's a whole lot of noise throughout the day and into the night. Not to mention, there's also the noise of firecrackers, lion dance troups etc.! And the heat was most unbearable! Thank God for sustaining me through that.

In a way, I've always felt that celebrating CNY in M'sia "kampung" is a certain privilege not enjoyed by most Singaporeans. The atmosphere there is so different and the season is accorded greater importance - longer holidays, more festivity in the air... But more than the atmosphere, I thank God for each person in this big and warm family.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


God spoke to my heart about His heartbeat at HC today. I'm really glad for the encounter with Him. Honestly, it has been some time since I connected with the Lord at HC. Treasured the encounter. As WB mentioned, let's not just feel good about it for a while, but let it translate to specific action.

The events that followed HC were quite well paced. We were able to give out oranges, go for lunch, get a birthday gift, eat ice-cream before heading for the frisbee game. Thank God for those amongst us who drive.

Despite the hot, scorching sunlight, we had quite a decent game of frisbee today. An answered prayer - no injury today. Rather, due to the pace of the game, we all had a pretty good work out.

Well, it's a short work week ahead. I pray for the opportunity to rest, recharge and pray through certain matter over the break. Blessed CNY.