New Darling
Finally, something happy to blog about :)
I have a new darling in church! Yes, its none other than our dear gal Alicia. I always feel that I am unable to engage young children or keep them interested cos I am not so much of a fun nor animated person. So it came as a very pleasant surprise that Alicia took a liking to me 2 weeks back! After service 2 Suns ago, we were all just staying back to chit chat at the pews, and Alicia just tugged at my hand (and my heart!) and wanted me to bring her to the fishes at the kindergarten area. So I brought her there, and everyone was surprised that little Alicia was so willing to leave mummy and go with Auntie hz... Hmmm, I didn't think much of it as I thought it's probably a one-off thing.
But just yesterday, we had Hope congregation gathering and toward the latter part of the gathering, Alicia wanted me to carry her, and to bring her to the fishes! But we couldn't go as the kindergarten has been locked. I got to carry her on my lap for quite long and she didn't fidget much, as we sat in a circle to dialogue about Hope's venture into Young Adult Min. And poor Addie was sooo jealous. She was trying to entice Alicia with all sorts of stuff (Elmo song, hp, cow etc.) Then after the meeting, Alicia again wanted me to carry her... That dear gal has clearly won a place in my heart! :D
At night, A sms Addie to say that I am now Alicia's favorite auntie! Wow, so flattering, but hor, think Alicia got it wrong lah, Addie is the auntie who gave her the biscuits, not me... sorry eh Addie! :-D Meanwhile, I'm gonna cherish the "attention" while it lasts! Hee!