How Precious are Your Thoughts

Inspired by Psalm 139:17 "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Mental "Blog"

Of late, I sometimes have some "bloggable" thoughts on my mind, but have not been able to blog them readily enough. By the time I settle down in front of the PC, I either forget these matters or lose the enthusiasm to type them out. At other times, e.g. now, I sit in front of the PC, with no thought whatsoever to pen down.

This explains the drop in the frequency of my entries. Need to do some deeper reflection yah?

Monday, October 25, 2004

Hard at Work

It's 8pm already! And here I am, still seated at my office desk, working through some test plans, scrutinising them to the minutest detail. This is in preparation for a new system which is currently being developed. I am already behind schedule in handing up this massive piece of work! Trying my best, and I sincerely think that I'm not the only one lagging behind schedule ;P

Well, I will prob stay on as late as I can 'tahan'. Bringing work home is not a good option, since the work is left untouched more often and not. At least, I am thankful that my colleague in the next cubicle is also clocking late hrs today...

Breather's over. Back to the excel sheets now!

Monday, October 18, 2004

God is good

I had a very busy week, and that explains my MIA stunt. Besides the usual work commitments, I was also hard at work preparing for HC sharing on Sunday.

Its so unbelievable the amount of time spent preparing for this sharing! I took half a day off on Monday to prepare, and spent every weekday evening running thru the content and finetuning it. But I was really at wits end on how to connect the points... Time and again, I kept ignoring this nagging thought to drop everything, and spend the time listening to God instead... Finally, when I was driven to total exasperation at the progress, or lack of, I came before God in helplessness and humility. And I must say, I was truly refreshed, and liberated! Somehow, thereafter, I stopped experiencing the desperation and pressure to draft a 'perfect' script. Praise God!

Shared about God's goodness. After the sharing, I received some encouraging feedbck about the testimony which was shared. Thank You Lord, and all glory unto You! Just as the woman's testimony (healed of 12 yrs of bleeding) went out to the masses, I pray that You will encourage others through each of our testimony.

The other highlight of my past week was the stayover at my good friend's new house on Friday. She had invited me, over sms one day, to "cohabit" with her at her new place. As it was sent via internet, I was initially slightly taken aback by this anonymous invitation, but figured out the sender's identity soon after. The experience is kinda different from other stayovers, coz it is at a friend's own house, and not so much her parents' home. I was flattered to be spending the first night at the new house. She and hubby-to-be will be moving in next month, after their wedding.

We took the time to catch up, to enjoy each other's company, and of course, to do work... She, being a teacher, marked her exam scripts while I worked further on the sharing... I relish the time together, and it somehow reminded me of our NUS days, of how we had studied together late into the nights during the exam period, prayed together, went on mission trips, served in CCC... Thank You Lord for blessing me with such a dear friend!

Not sure if I am experiencing some sort of anxiety about my good friend getting married soon... Dont' get me wrong, I am very, very happy for her. It's probably just the feeling that things will be different after she gets married. Priorities, commitments will change, and we will both move on in our lives. I suppose that's all part of God's design for mankind.

Stayover Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Beautiful bride

Have been involved in a flurry of activities at work. Its been very busy... gotta bring some work back this weekend. And church wise, well, pretty much the same commitments. Also need to firm up the sharing content for HC next Sunday. Tough, tough... Am reminded of an exhortation that when we keep in step with the Spirit, we burn up (like the burning bush) and not burn out... yes Lord, You take charge here, and I will rest in You.

There are also a couple of weddings lined up to attend over the next few weeks. Watching the brides-to-be excitedly preparing themselves sets me pondering somewhat. What has the bride of Christ been doing to prepare herself? I quote from my QT material:

" she is, totally taken up with the love of her lover, responding in love, waiting for the day when she will be pampered and prepared, clothed in white, to become the focus of attention on the day when the relationship will be consummated. See this as a picture of what Jesus is doing in His church as in love He prepares her for that day... right now you are probably only too aware of the imperfections, disagreements...but she will be spotless and everything that God is doing in her by His Spirit is moving her towards that. Delight in it."

Its such a beautiful picture of a bride basking in the groom's love, and depending fully on the groom to transform her to be what she was intended to be. What power is the love of Christ, as described in Eph 5:22-33!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Back in Action

Finally, reinstated most of the links to "former glory"... Thank God for the lessons and skills learnt through it all. :o It's late...